Okanagan Interclub - Kelowna Now Article
Our skaters did an awesome job at the 2015 Okanagan Interclub Competition and we got got some terrific coverage thanks to Lorne White at...

Thanks Blade Runner Skate Services!

Okanagan Interclub Competition - West Kelowna
19 members from the Mt. Boucherie Skating Club figure skating program are taking part in the 2015 Okanagan Interclub Competition being...

Provincial Championships - Coquitlam BC
Five skaters from the MBSC competitive figure skating program recently took part in the 2016 BC/YK Sectional Championships in Coquitlam...

MBSC Skate Swap & Jacket Order
Please note that we will be hosting a 'Skate Swap' in the Jim Lind Arena Lobby this coming Thursday from 4:00 - 5:30 pm. If you have any...

BC/YK AGM Awards Evening - Phoebe Kemp
This year was a special year for the MBSC. Senior skater Phoebe Kemp was recognized for her success this season and for her ability to...

Patrick Chan Seminar
Natasha, Breanne, Tianna, Kayla, Phoebe, Shaya (Lilly & Kira not pictured) spent the day at a seminar with Patrick Chan....
BC Thin Ice
The Mt. Boucherie Skating Club was feautured in the March Edition of BC Thin Ice. Our article can be found by clicking here....
No Skating Days - Please Read
Please note that due to a busier than normal schedule within our facility during the spring session we have a number of 'no skating'...