Okanagan Interclub Competition - West Kelowna

19 members from the Mt. Boucherie Skating Club figure skating program are taking part in the 2015 Okanagan Interclub Competition being hosted by the MBSC in the Royal LePage Place Arena November 27 - 29. For a number of the participants this will be there very first time taking part in a skating competition where they will join upwards of 200 skaters from all over the Okanagan Region. The event which is being organized by a group of dedicated volunteers is a popular skating event for the region which also helps the MBSC raise funds to assist in providing high quality affordable skating programs to skaters on the Westside.
Mt. Boucherie Skating Club participants:
Shaelyn Hunter - Star 1
Taylor Luft - Star 2
Matthew O'Donaghey - Star 1
Shy Kucheria - Star 3
Jennifer Dmytrowich - Star 3
Megan Scowen - Star 2
Gigha Roen - Star 1
Sophie Huges - Star 2
Gabriella Lima - Star 1
Sheena Roen - Star 2
Shanelle Rodrigues - Star 2
Kira Koffler - Pre Juvenile / Elements 2
Phoebe Kemp - Gold Ladies / Gold Creative / Gold Interpretive
Maya Schauer - Star 2
Taylor Fleming - Juvenile / Silver Interpretive / Silver Creative
Ayla Cross - Star 3
Tianna Potts - Elements 3
Makenna Jensen - Gold Creative